When you have a lot of people looking to you for recommendations and inspiration, the last thing you want to do is offer products that don’t align with your values.
At Thrive Brew, we are passionate about upholding high standards by using real ingredients and processing in-house so that we know the kombucha is not only of the highest quality but tastes exceptional!
When you collaborate with Thrive Brew, you can know that you are sharing with your followers a drink that will not only set them up for success, but one of the best tasting experiences that natural health can give!
- Free kombucha
- Potential for ongoing partnership and ongoing free kombucha
- Free early access to new flavors
- Dedicated coupons to your audience
- Collaboration for giveaways
Who you are
You are passionate about your followers’ transformationÂ
You’re engaged with your followers
You inspire us to be active and enthusiasticÂ
You help us see that health isn’t boring or tastelessÂ
You are based in the US
We love partnering with people in their health and wellness goals as well as those who inspire others to do the same. Apply below and we’ll get in touch if we’re a good fit!